AEi reduces your costs for equipment replacement, energy usage and maintenance operations.
We’ve developed a unique plan of diagnosing problems and improving your equipment. Our surveys record your equipment data and then we selectively match the output and criteria within a database with historic values of operation. We then integrate a planned maintenance program and apply a Value Engineering standard. If your equipment is not predictable and if the capacity is not sustained eventually you will need to absorb that costs, with others, for no reason. Unreliable equipment is caused by breakdowns or badly performed maintenance. Correct maintenance improves the reliability and maximizes the operation. In our On Site Operations we initiate Total Productive Maintenance for added value and asset.
Over time these findings become instrumental in future costs. It puts us one step ahead of the eventual failure of the equipment, two steps ahead of the energy consumption it uses and gives you the longest duration and efficiency of your equipment without the need for emergency situations.
If we save you 10…20…or 30% on your mechanical equipment, operations and energy expenditures would that be a reason to use AEi ?
If we reduce your complaints, increase your efficiency, manage your energy and apply all of our resources while we continue saving you money…does that interest you?
We believe in partnering with our customers, if you win, we win. It’s that simple.
We want more customers but also the opportunity to create relationships. From lighting, heating, air conditioning, refrigeration or operations we can help manage, support and reduce your costs…
I know this has happened to you at one time or another: a service company trying to fix a piece of equipment over and over, sending you invoice after invoice until finally they say: “we can’t fix it any longer”.
By now you probably could have had that piece of equipment replaced twice or three times when you take into account the costs associated with the breakdown. Hidden are the costs and lost are the profits.
We don’t do that type of service.
Nowadays businesses in every venue need to retain customers. If they are discouraged from using your service or buying your product from the result of intermittent air conditioning, cold seating environment or food safety: you lose.
We keep logs of performed service and costs. We take in account obsolescence, availability and energy consumptions of your equipment. We can keep your maintenance costs under control and help budget for future equipment by offering our exclusive parts and labor agreements.
The responsibility is with us, the savings are transferred to you.
Its what we do everyday.
Its what we do best.
Copyright 2011 AEi Service Corporation